
New updates and improvements to ABSolute BMS

ABSolute Update Released! 🎉

New Feature 🌟
Improvement 🛠️

Brand New Features! 🔍

  • Ident Advanced Automation - based on the genre of the next scheduled programme, automate idents into the playlist to let your viewers know what type of programming is coming up!
  • Detailed Search for Programmes, Episodes and Songs - search for content based on more parameters than ever before! The new search functionality combines the filters for a super refined search
  • Adjusting Number of Records - you can now select to view 100, 500, 1000 or all records when using the programme, episode or song modules
  • Bulk Update - we have added the ability to bulk update programmes with the option of either selecting all episodes or specific ones only. You can also now bulk update the slot duration for programmes

Squashing Bugs 🪳

  • Display of Turkish characters in the playlist view has been rectified to ensure they display correctly
  • Ticker revokes now appear immediately on air rather than after the end of the programme segment

Coming Soon 👨🏽‍💻

These are the features we are currently working on getting ready for release - reach out to to find out more about adding them to your ABSolute plan!

  • Automated Scheduling Rules - Create rules and auto plot forward in the FPC Module
  • Dynamic Promos - Automate the on-screen text associated with promos to avoid rerendering each time the broadcast slot changes
  • Archiving Versions - archive a version of a programme once it is no longer required or if it is not fit for purpose, ABSolute will prevent you from adding the version into schedules or playlists