Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaLock Multiple Days
I would like to be able to select multiple days in the schedule list for locking/unlocking at once. This is helpful when for example the FPC for the month is completed in time for breaks to be built and I want to lock the entire month. Currently locking each day individually is a bit time consuming.
Anonymous Jaguar#Improvement 👍0
Commercial Automation Rules
I would like the automation for commercials via interstitials to be more spread out throughout the day rather than the automation trying to squeeze them all in as early as possible. I notice my earlier slots are then very full but there's plenty of space later on in the day.
Anonymous Birman#Improvement 👍0
API Upload of EPGs
If a platform allows, I would like to be able to automatically send them updated schedules via API integration whenever I make and finalise changes.
Anonymous Crab#Integrations 🔗0
Auto Import Break Pattern
Take the file from the Sales House FTP and automatically import into ABSolute, giving a toast to the user that this has happened
Product Management#Improvement 👍#Integrations 🔗0
Retain Series as well on FPC
I would like to have a feature of retaining programs or series on FPC while copying schedules. It has a feature 'retain movies' but sometimes, we thought to repeat certain days playlists as it is, so it will be time-saving.
Anonymous Bandicoot#Improvement 👍0
Line Breaks in VOD Metadata
I would like VOD import to fail is there are unnecessary line breaks in the data and for an alert to come to me (the customer uploading the sheet) so that I can correct it.
Anonymous Ladybug#Improvement 👍0
Database Import Completion Message
When importing the database import, I would like for it to say the process is complete, similar to the message you receive once the EPG import process is completed.
Anonymous Fangtooth#Improvement 👍0
Farsi titles to be shown
Hi , is it possible for pars ABS , to see the Farsi titles of what ever entered to ABS? to add a column close to english title? Nasrin
Anonymous Maltese0
Create a break pattern and same copy to whole month
Suppose we had to create a break pattern for a day (Mon-Sat). Can we copy the same-day break pattern to the whole month? Same as for Sunday Please let me know how it works because it takes too much time to build a break pattern for every day.
Anonymous Frigatebird#Improvement 👍0
Categorisation of Fillers
I would like to be able to categorise my Fillers based on user-defined categories and to also be able to search by these fields in the playlist editor.
Product Management#Improvement 👍0
Search Fillers in Playlist Edit
Option to search for Fillers by Title in the Playlist Edit module.
Product Management#Improvement 👍0
MAM Access in FPC Module and PLY Edit Module
Access to the MAM video player to be available in the FPC Module and the Playlist Edit Module
Product Management#Improvement 👍0
Download Export of New Asset IDs
When new Asset IDs are created, give the option to export an XLS of these alongside programme/episode details
Product Management#Improvement 👍0
All Metadata Fields Searchable in Programmes Module
Every Programme/Series/Episode metadata field to be searchable in the Programmes Module
Product Management#Improvement 👍0
Episode-Level Rights Agreements
Option to set a Rights Agreement for each specific episode of a series rather than the whole series
Product Management#Improvement 👍0