
New updates and improvements to ABSolute BMS

  1. New Features Released in ABSolute

    New Feature 🌟
    Improvement 🛠️
    Fix 🪲

    We have some new features available within ABSolute!

    • Animated Tickers - tickers can now animate on and off screen as controlled within ABSolute. Contact our sales team to find out more!
    • For Rights Management Channels, you will now be able to request a default view for your Programmes Module
    • Improvements to FTP Workflows - contact us to learn more!


    Plus some bug fixes have been rolled out...

    • Importing an EPG XLS onto a date with a playlist already generated will no longer give inaccurate errors regarding content start times
    • Manually scheduled tickers will export in the playlist with the expected filename



  2. Planned Works - July 9th 2024

    Planned Works Notice 👷🏼‍♀️

    Just another heads up that ABSolute will be down for planned works on July 9th 2024 from 0800 BST until 1800 BST.

    Although there may not be any visual change in the system, here are the benefits you can expect:

    ⬆️ Increased System Uptime

    😌 Improved Resiliency

    🛠️ Upgraded Hardware

    🔢 Multi Database System

    👨🏽‍💻 Enterprise-Level Architecture

    💪 Robust Ecosystem

    ↪️ Auto-Failover and Recovery

    🚀 Faster Upgrades

    These improvements will allow you to use ABSolute more efficiently with improved speeds, availability and reliability.

    As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to a member of our team who will be happy to discuss these upcoming changes with you.


    The ABSolute Team


  3. 📊 Advanced Reporting Module

    Announcement 📢
    New Feature 🌟

    🚀 Now Available - ABSolute Advanced Reporting Module!


    Tap into the potential of ABSolute BMS with our cutting-edge Advanced Reporting Module!

    Effortlessly generate detailed reports for your schedules, complete with comprehensive metadata. Elevate your content strategy and stay ahead in broadcast management.


    What Can It Do?

    • Generate three user-configurable report types: Telecast, Airtime and Production Type
    • Refine your search with more than 20 different parameters to access detailed micro-level information
    • Export fully configurable reports with 40+ exportable fields including additional timezones, associated promotional data, cast and crew information, and more
    • Enhance your brand with report-specific color palettes
    • Automate email distribution to internal stakeholders
    • Generate and store templates for swiftly executing crucial reports

     For more information, read up on our  support articles on just how much this module can achieve!

    But Wait... There's More!

    In our future releases, the reporting module will also be able to...

    • Generate PDF exports including graphical representation of data
    • Automatically export reports based on a user-configured schedule
    • Expanded reporting across content, rights management, graphics, and more!

    This flexible report will continue growing alongside ABSolute, adding new features, fields, and search parameters as the entire system expands.


    If you'd like a demo of this remarkable new module, simply contact your ABSolute account manager or email They'll connect you with a product expert who can discuss how the reporting module can cater to your specific requirements.


  4. Planned Works - 31st January 2024 - 08:30 GMT to 10:00 GMT

    Planned Works Notice 👷🏼‍♀️

    We wish to inform you of upcoming planned works affecting ABSolute. We will be performing system maintenance and upgrades. During this time ABSolute will not be accessible.

    For any urgent changes to playlists during this time, please contact and Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    The latest release notes will be published within ABSolute.



  5. Introducing the ABSolute BMS Ideas Board!

    Announcement 📢

        ABSolute now has a brand new  Ideas Board in which you can submit your Feature Ideas for consideration! This ideas board now makes up part of our Product Backlog, and is a quick and easy way to have your idea reviewed by the Product Team.

    From here, you can add your own ideas and also vote on other users' ideas to let us know what you'd really like to see on the system in the future! Unfortunately, it does not guarantee your feature will be built, so if you are passionate about having your idea developed, please contact your ABSolute Account Manager to discuss fast-tracking your feature!



  6. New Features Shipping in December

    New Feature 🌟
    Announcement 📢

    🚀 New Features 🚀


    User Permissions

    We have added advanced User Permissions into ABSolute to allow control over who can read, write and delete within the BMS, enhancing security and allowing channel admins to have extra control within ABSolute.

    Dynamic Promos

    Save time and reduce cost with our brand new dynamic promo - with a one-time configuration, ABSolute can dynamically insert the next broadcast date and time of a linked programme into a promo, saving you time and resources.

    Advanced Channel Bug Automation

    Our updated channel bug automation gives extra control over what content types your channel bugs should play on and when!

    Useful Additions

    You can now download a blank copy of the EPG or Database import sheets from within the upload xls interface. We have also updated the look and feel of some of our reports to add some colour to the export.

    Updated Support Portal

    We are very excited to release our updated support portal, allowing you access to support articles and videos, enabling you to get the most out of ABSolute. You can log in using your ABSolute credentials and also use the portal to contact us and raise tickets should you require any assistance.




  7. 📺 TX MAM Updates!

    New Feature 🌟
    Improvement 🛠️

    We have recently released the latest version of our MAM Player, with added bells and whistles!

    Within ABSolute TX MAM, you can view programme and graphics content delivered to ABS Playout, set and update timecodes, and mark the exact moment the credits roll to enhance your DVE graphics!

    Check out our handy video guides on making use of the TX MAM, and reach out to to find out about adding to your ABSolute package!


  8. ABSolute Update Released! 🎉

    New Feature 🌟
    Improvement 🛠️

    Brand New Features! 🔍

    • Ident Advanced Automation - based on the genre of the next scheduled programme, automate idents into the playlist to let your viewers know what type of programming is coming up!
    • Detailed Search for Programmes, Episodes and Songs - search for content based on more parameters than ever before! The new search functionality combines the filters for a super refined search
    • Adjusting Number of Records - you can now select to view 100, 500, 1000 or all records when using the programme, episode or song modules
    • Bulk Update - we have added the ability to bulk update programmes with the option of either selecting all episodes or specific ones only. You can also now bulk update the slot duration for programmes

    Squashing Bugs 🪳

    • Display of Turkish characters in the playlist view has been rectified to ensure they display correctly
    • Ticker revokes now appear immediately on air rather than after the end of the programme segment

    Coming Soon 👨🏽‍💻

    These are the features we are currently working on getting ready for release - reach out to to find out more about adding them to your ABSolute plan!

    • Automated Scheduling Rules - Create rules and auto plot forward in the FPC Module
    • Dynamic Promos - Automate the on-screen text associated with promos to avoid rerendering each time the broadcast slot changes
    • Archiving Versions - archive a version of a programme once it is no longer required or if it is not fit for purpose, ABSolute will prevent you from adding the version into schedules or playlists


  9. 🚀 ABSolute Update Released!

    Announcement 📢

    We have released our January bug fixes and a couple of new features!

    Bug Fixes 🪲

    • Deleting/Replacing Programme Segments in playlist edit - where commercials are present in a playlist, programme segments can be replaced but not deleted, but if there are no commercials then any segments are able to be deleted
    • Asterisk marking mandatory fields in ABSolute have been updated, so it will be quicker and easier to identify what needs populating
    • Segments to retain their episode title when replacing segments in the playlist - fixed a bug where the segment used the programme title after replacement

    New Features 🚀

    • Sort Interstitials/Fillers/Songs By Duration or by title. We have added the ability to sort the playlist edit module's interstitials, fillers and songs by duration or by title for quick and easy locating of content. And where Music Mixes are used, viewing linked songs can also be sorted by title or duration
    • Asset Catalogue Update - report of missing/dummy timecodes for any content. We have added an additional search parameter to the asset catalogue allowing you to filter content based on if it has timecodes present, or if those timecodes are dummy
    • Telecast Report Update - ability to generate a report based on how long ago content was last shown and the option to search by genre or subgenre
    • Event Locking Update - you can now lock playlist events by selecting the playlist gap against the event you are locking, rather than the event following it.

    Coming Soon 👨🏽‍💻

    These are the features we are currently working on getting ready for release - reach out to to find out more about adding them to your ABSolute plan!

    • Advanced searching in the Programmes Module and Song Module, including search by genre, subgenre, target audience, date added
    • Automated Scheduling Rules - Create rules and auto plot forward in the FPC Module
    • Dynamic Promos - Automate the on-screen text associated with promos to avoid rerendering each time the broadcast slot changes


  10. January 2023 ABSolute Update

    Happy New Year to all of our wonderful customers!


    This month, we are going to be releasing the following:


    New Features 🚀:

    • Sort Promo/Filler/Song By Duration. This will allow the user to sort content in playlist edit module by duration from shortest to longest ahead of adding to their playlist.


    Bug Fixes 🪲:

    • Adding Programme Segments in the playlist - users can no longer add the same segment into a slot twice
    • Within the Programme and Episode Masters, the 'mandatory' asterisk markings have been updated
    • Segments to retain their Episode Title when replaced in the playlist

