
New updates and improvements to ABSolute BMS

🚀 ABSolute Update Released!

Announcement 📢

We have released our January bug fixes and a couple of new features!

Bug Fixes 🪲

  • Deleting/Replacing Programme Segments in playlist edit - where commercials are present in a playlist, programme segments can be replaced but not deleted, but if there are no commercials then any segments are able to be deleted
  • Asterisk marking mandatory fields in ABSolute have been updated, so it will be quicker and easier to identify what needs populating
  • Segments to retain their episode title when replacing segments in the playlist - fixed a bug where the segment used the programme title after replacement

New Features 🚀

  • Sort Interstitials/Fillers/Songs By Duration or by title. We have added the ability to sort the playlist edit module's interstitials, fillers and songs by duration or by title for quick and easy locating of content. And where Music Mixes are used, viewing linked songs can also be sorted by title or duration
  • Asset Catalogue Update - report of missing/dummy timecodes for any content. We have added an additional search parameter to the asset catalogue allowing you to filter content based on if it has timecodes present, or if those timecodes are dummy
  • Telecast Report Update - ability to generate a report based on how long ago content was last shown and the option to search by genre or subgenre
  • Event Locking Update - you can now lock playlist events by selecting the playlist gap against the event you are locking, rather than the event following it.

Coming Soon 👨🏽‍💻

These are the features we are currently working on getting ready for release - reach out to to find out more about adding them to your ABSolute plan!

  • Advanced searching in the Programmes Module and Song Module, including search by genre, subgenre, target audience, date added
  • Automated Scheduling Rules - Create rules and auto plot forward in the FPC Module
  • Dynamic Promos - Automate the on-screen text associated with promos to avoid rerendering each time the broadcast slot changes